Saturday, January 30, 2010

s[no]w bueno.

According to the Daily Press, "The Peninsula is in the heaviest phase of a massive winter snow storm this morning and it isn't expected to let off until tonight." [translation: Ay, caramba! We don't know what to do with ourselves in snow down here.]

After I dug out my winter-wear from the garage, Hosh and I set out to take some pictures in the snow. =)

Exhibit A through G:

Today will be filled with crafty things, coffee, District 9 with Pop (creepy!), possibly a manicure and hopefully more blogging.

Lerv, lerv.


  1. Such fun! I wish I could take snow pics with you too.

    Also... I love that your winter gear includes skinny jeans. You're too much.

  2. Wow...I found your blog on the world wide web without any assistance from my favorites! You're famous!! I must say, these pics made me slightly wish I was there (which is much more so than I had thought before). Love you!
