Saturday, January 16, 2010

today i...

:went on a run with Regan at Planet Fitness.
If you haven't already heard, Regan and I are currently training for a 5k to be held on March 27th in City Center. We're both super-excited and are preparing by following the Couch-to-5k plan. Hopefully we'll be ready by then.

:realized that I may be pigeon-toed.
I believe it is quite evident when I run...and whenever I'm standing still. I could be wrong, but I tend to stand with my toes slightly pointed in towards each other. My hips kill after I run for any substantial amount of time...whatever. I hate pigeons.

:made dinner for Hosh and Jonathan.
The deal is this: Hosh and Jonathan build a rock-wall in our game room, and I make dinner for them. Last week I made "Organic Burritos", because Hosh is into eating healthy these days. This week I made Steak-Ums (cheesesteaks to all you northerners), because Hosh loves them. I tried to keep it relatively healthy with some roasted brussel sprouts, but they were NOT as good as my sister's.

This was also part of dinner...we probably could've gotten by with about 1/3 of it. Oh well...I never know how much or how little the boys will eat.

:took a trip to Lowe's with Hosh for some plywood.
I never knew there were so many kinds of stinkin' plywood. For Pete's sake! We bought the heaviest...whatever that kind was...

:found a hotdog laying in my bed.
Ok, this wasn't actually today, but it wasn't too many days ago. :)

:created a crafty corner in my room.
This was also not today, but I needed to post a picture of the progress on my room somewhere!

:climbed on the rock-wall frame with Hosh.
The framework was just screaming for some funny photos. Screaming! (We were more than happy to oblige.)

:painted a trash can for my room.
It was just close enough to the color of the walls in my room that it clashed horribly. Black is always better.

:missed this girl.
I cannot wait to see Stephers again. We talk everyday but it's not enough. (Love you!!) <3

:missed my sister.
Stinkin' Mamba!!! Why must you live in ding-dang Georgia?!

This might be the most random blog post ever. My apologies. It's been a long day, but it was a good one. I guess I'll be signing off now. This night will slowly come to a close as Hosh and I hang out in my newly renovated room...he on his mac and I on mine.

Listening to Westbound (let me know if you want a copy of their new CD- only $10) and Girls.
Lots of lerv to you, my blogger buddy. I hope your Saturday was as fun and filled as mine was.


  1. I would like a CD.

    When I have money.

  2. (1) I'm so excited for/proud of you -- training to run a 5k!

    (2) I've been told that I am also pigeon toed. It is especially noticeable when I walk up stair, I've been told. This why I'm a poor runner, I've been told. So, please find some solace in the comforting idea that you're in good company. (And please consider me good company!)

    (3) You should post some good recipes you come across as you seek to cook healthy things. I might try them out on my victims... er, co-staff, I mean.

    (4) I am so jealous of the sewing area in your room! I keep going back and forth on whether to take some fabric and my sister's sewing machine to HDC when I move. (I think I should hold off until I know whether I'll actually have time to use it.)

  3. So.

    I love you.
    i love your room.
    i love that you cook.
    i love that you and your brother hang out.
    I love that you care.

    <3 miss you!

  4. I am completely and totally in love with you and this blog. I love your room. I want you to cook for me sometime. I miss you like CRAZY! You're beautiful and amazing. I can't wait to see you =)!


  5. I once heard that John Wayne intentionally turned his toes inward when he walked, in imitation of another actor.

    And good luck with training for 5k! The best I’ve ever worked up is a mile in about thirteen minutes, this past summer.

  6. Great post. And it can't be random if it has a theme.

    Love the running shoes, and the calves aren't bad either.

  7. Random fits...cuz life's random. Loved the pics!!
