Wednesday, February 10, 2010

happy birthday, sweet T.

(*This post will just barely make it onto your birth day, T. I'm sorry I failed in the birthday department this year. I feel rotten.)

Happy Birthday to one of my dearest friends, Sweet T.

When I think of you, I recall any one of the following moments (or a million others not included in my life-documentation). You are such a precious part of my life. It feels like I've known you for 37 years instead of just 351 days.

Remember when...
...Cameron got pooped on by that bird on the way to the park on the Fourth of July?

..."where's my chalupa?" at Playa Cancun? just wanted to sleep at Belmar when we went to watch the sunrise with George? took me for a ride on your bike/airplane thing and then it broke...but we got to look at that neat dirigible?

...we used to go to IHOP with Jer in the mornings?

...we went to Cam's game and that bee kept bugging George but didn't even come around you or me? were Tanley. (For the record, this might be my most favorite picture of you ever.) and Carl made me do stupid things in the caf and then take my picture?

...we went to the beach and played and sunned and read that book about strange things (and on the way home you found that shell in your suit...which I still have in my car, by the way)?

...we laughed at poor Jer trying to make that bracelet, sang along with Celine and made plans for the new semester?

...Ian pointed the camera at you, said "Do the Jecca smile!" and you came up with this right away? (Priceless.)

Well, I do!!! How could I forget?!

I love you, T. Happy Birthday. <3


  1. cute :)

    Happy belated birthday, Tristan!

  2. Wow, I only met you once but I feel led to extend the birthday wishes too...have a great year!
