Tuesday, May 4, 2010

whirl-wind weekend.

This past weekend I took a quick trip up to Filthadelphia to visit my loves. Sweet T was in the school's musical and Ham is going to Utah all summer (which means I won't see him til August!). With all the activities, I forgot to take out my camera a lot buttttt I did manage to snap a few shots here and there.

(the boys longboarding)

(family after T's musical)

(an incredible feat of Barley's strength)

(precious Kieran!!! with the boys [so sweet!])

So there you have it. I had an awesome weekend. I didn't want to come home. I might've cried just a bit. (Ok, ok. I cried enough that my manager commented on my puffy face the next day at work. I can't help it. I wouldn't cry if I didn't love them so much and miss being with them. Oy.)

I'm not sure when the next post will be or what it will be of. (<--Am I not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition? Is that a preposition?) Hopefully I'll think of something to post soon, but until then...

lerv to the max.


  1. "of" is def a prep. But don't worry about it; that rule is antiquated.

    Also... cute pics. Carl's feat of strength should last him through three years of festivi, I think. And that baby is adorably cute. Even more so when the boys are huggling him.

  2. Also, I could have sworn pic #1 was you. If you profiled that pic, no one would even bat an eye.
