Friday, May 7, 2010

contest (!!!) #2.

Greetings, bloggy buds!!! I have a new and exciting contest for you!!!
(what's that? too many exclamation points already? yes? ok. sorry.)

Ma got a new car last weekend, and I got to test-drive hers this week to see whether I wanted to keep hers or just stick with my trusty Honda (<--love her). I love Ma's car and have driven it before, but I've never driven it for an extended period of time. It also has a bigger gas tank than my Honda annnndddddd I sort of forgot to pay attention to it.

Ruh roh!!! This is how I rode, at least partially, home from work today.

Rewind back to the beginning of this week. At the start of my test-drive, I reset the odometer to calculate how many miles I could go on one tank of gas. Well, the tank lasted me (just barely) through the end of my work week (annndddddd here's where the contest comes in).

You have until the end of Sunday to guess how many miles I have traveled to and from work this week (Mon-Fri). With a little detective work, I'm sure you could get really close on this one. So, have at it!

[Just so we're all clear... entries must be submitted via bloggy comment by Monday, May 10th, 2010 at 12:00am. Closest guess (above or below) will win. The winner will be announced Monday evening and the prize will be sent out on Tuesday.]

The prize for this one will be a $10 Wawa gift card--and the winner would be wise to purchase some gasoline (but the good Lord knows that if I won this contest I'd go straightaway and buy some coffee)!

Happy guessing, bloggers! and have a good weekend!
[I found a couple more pictures from this weekend that I might post a bit later =)]


  1. 540 miles. Annnnd... I don't have a Wawa, so I won't worry about how off that guess is. It's a guestimate. :)

  2. I'm going to guess 448.
    This one was a lot harder. Too many variables...

  3. I'm guessing you travelled 450 miles to & from work. If you travelled anywhere I else I didn't account for that. I would like to pick up my WaWa card Tuesday, May 11. j/k. =-)

    **This is Yancey- don't have an ID that fits the choices so I just chose anonymous. I know i'm old..

  4. my guess is 260 miles :D :D :D

  5. 600 miles.

    I'll take the Wawa gift card. Thanks.
