Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Anniversary.

I've told people before that I really didn't start living until December 20, 2007. In a way, that's the ultimate truth.

I have been overweight my whole life. My size, body shape and self-image have more often than not held me back from enjoying life and all that it has to offer. I have never even been close to "normal".

Question: What kind of elementary kid wears womens' size clothing? or What kind of middle school kid wears plus size womens' clothing?
Answer: A sick kid.
A More Specific Answer: Me.

I have no idea how things got to the point they did. I was always active and on sports' teams. I did everything the same as my friends did, but I was morbidly obese and they were average weight. The problem? I was never full. Ever. (Crazy, I know.) I could eat until I made myself physically ill, but I never had the sensation of being full. So, I just ate myself into this death trap.

These two pictures are from freshman year at PBU, and they show me at my highest weight (293 lbs).

On December 20, 2007, I had Lap-Band Surgery. During this surgery, Dr. Terracina placed an adjustable band around my stomach through five small incisions in my abdomen. This band is fully adjustable and is accessed through a port attached to one of my abdominal muscles.

Two years and 98 lbs later...

I'm a new woman.

Lots and lots and lots of things have happened between then and now. I am thankful for every one of them because they got me to where I am today. God has a purpose and a plan for my life. He has a reason for putting me through the things I've been through and the things I have yet to go through.

My Purpose Now: Be there for others who are about to be where I was once at. (Does that make any sense?) I want to be able to help others by opening my life to them so they can learn and grow from where I have been and where I am at now. I'm ALWAYS open to questions. My life is pretty much an open book ( my actual "life-book" is another story...that will stay closed for the time being...).

My Charge to My Few Loving Readers: Be BIG. Be bold. Love above all. <3

1 comment:

  1. You ARE a new woman. And you're stunningly beautiful inside AND out! You make so much out of life and you are so confident! It's really made a lasting impression on me :). I love you!

