Saturday, April 24, 2010

Twenty-Three before Twenty-Four: SEVEN.

Long time no bloggy. My apologies, dear readers.

I completed another 'significant thing' a couple weeks ago, and I haven't blogged it yet. Shame on Jecca!!! butttttt here it is! I've been thinking about this one for a while and just haven't done it (or gotten it done). Can you see number SEVEN in the picture below?

No? Not that obvious?....Hmm. How about this one?
Still not so sure? What's that? Silver boogers? Yes, thank you. I know.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I got my septum pierced. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon when Hosh, D. Noble, J. Claus, A. Yeargin, E. Something, J. Ludwig and I decided to go to lunch at Chipotle in the mall. As we were waiting in line, I decided I really wasn't feeling the food options. I told Hosh that I was going to check out the prices down at Urban Xchange, and then we could go down together once he was finished eating. Welllll, once I got down to the other end of the mall and was told how much it would be, I said, "Let's do it." I texted Hosh right before she put the needle through and he got there as I was sitting up after everything was done. (I'm proud that I did it by myself, without a squeezing-hand. =])

There have been mixed reviews from friends, family and acquaintances. When Ma saw it, she said, "Jeccaaaaa. Why?" Pop said, "I see." Mamba said it was BA. Hosh loves it (duh, see picture below).

Woot woot! Seven significant things and 4.5 months down, sixteen significant things and 7.5 months to go. As always, I'm taking suggestions. Please note, however, I will not be freeing zoo animals or making a mockery of myself (hopefully). Those are not pleasant significant things. (I don't like animals, and who likes looking like a fool?) =)

Lots of lerv.

***Special shout-out to my PBU people! You're getting close to the end! You can do it. Finish strong. When all else fails, ask yourself "What Would Jecca Do?" You know the answer. (Take a trip to Wawa...duh!)***
******Annnndddddd be on the lookout for a Week of Wardrobe post in the next couple days!!!******


  1. this was a good post. well-crafted. miss you.

    remember fireworks at the piatt's with cheerleading tricks, the laughing game and flavored aquafina? let's make that happen again!

  2. It suits you well! I'm having fun following your significant things, Jecca :). Your life is exciting.

  3. I will not be sharing in this sibling togetherness activity. But... it's cute?
